
Why Emotional Magnets Will Change Your Life

Why Emotional Magnets Will Change Your Life

I stumbled upon the four Emotional Magnets on a dark night in Vancouver. Quite literally—I was sitting in front of my laptop in the late hours, searching frantically for something that would help me take my business to the next level. The Power of Emotional Appeal At...

The Power of the Third Question

The Power of the Third Question

Once THIS tool is implemented, it will grow your network, and make you magnetic. I call it the Third Question or Third Q for short. One of the most effective tools we have to connect with people is questions. You can easily create a connection moment when you ask a...

Sandy’s Recommended Non-Fiction Reading List

Sandy’s Recommended Non-Fiction Reading List

I am happy to share my recommended reading list with you. As an avid non-fiction reader, I update this list frequently with books I find valuable to my self-development journey. Throughout my book, "Emotional Magnetism: How to Communicate to Ignite Connection In Your...

Active Listening and Communication Blockers

Active Listening and Communication Blockers

Active listening is focusing on what the person you’re speaking with is saying. That sounds simple, doesn’t it? In theory, yes, listening to someone else is easy if there isn’t a dog barking or radio going off in the background. The issue is that when we listen, we...