
BRAND CHATTER™ Explosion on Mari Smith’s Webinar

by | Marketing

I had the opportunity to experience a live Facebook webinar by Mari Smith, the “Queen of Facebook,” where she delivered the valuable 10 Essential Facebook Money-Making ‘Techie’ Tips.  I chatted with Mari last week and briefly discussed the upcoming webinar so I expected a good turnout and some buzz surrounding the event. However, nothing could have prepared me for the incredible BRAND CHATTER™ activity I experiences when I joined the webinar live.

Facebook users from all over the world were connecting with each other, giving exposure to their brands as well as growing the excitement for Mari’s webinar; the livestream feed was flying!  Using the hashtag ”#10fbtips,” people were tweeting promoting the event and experience for others to join.  Within 20 minutes, there was over 4,000 users tuned in to hear her expertise.  It was absolutely insane how much BRAND CHATTER™ was going on through all the different channels and I was super excited to be taking part in the action.

“When marketers move on, users move out. Don’t become a marketer. Be one of the members, humanize with others”. – Mari Smith, the “Queen of Facebook”

Below are some great little nuggets from the awesome experience:

  • 28% social media users will buy from a brand that creates relationships with the user by responding and building that connection between them.
  • Invest in a credible team to manage your social media to create an experience for your users. (Can anyone say BRAND CHATTER™ BOOST?)
  • Alternate posting content on the fly as well as using a third party app, but don’t always rely on a third party app.  You may lose the integrity of your content by losing the ability to share with others.
  • Utilize your cover page and update regularly, posting descriptions, links and a call to action in the description section of the photo.
  • The average rate of engagement (the number of people talking about a subject/total number of fans) is only 2%.  Successful companies will be able to triple it.
  • Facebook only shows 16% of your content to your Facebook Fans. By increasing the user’s engagement, more content will show on their wall feed.
  • Post photos or videos 90% of the time to increase the maximum visibility and will give your brand more weight.
  • Find your own sweetspot on content postings – be creative and think outside the box.

It’s fantastic to see the power of BRAND CHATTER™ in action and how these events can easily engage others to promote and enroll others in the discussion and experience.  The NEXT team will be looking forward to Mari’s next engaging webinar and creating more BRAND CHATTER™ for her and her services.

For a great recap of the 10 Facebook Essential Money Making Tips, one of NEXT’s favourite strategic alliances, Melonie Dodaro from TopDogSocialMedia.com wrote a fantastic blog post on Mari’s webinar.

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I'm Sandy Gerber

Communications strategist, Chief Marketing Officer, Entrepreneur, Author, TEDx and Keynote Speaker. Sandy Gerber is the creator of the Emotional Magnetism™ Communication Technique.