Hey everyone! Welcome back to the show! I’ve been looking forward to this episode because we’re tackling something every one of us has been part of—meetings. Love them or hate them, they’re part of our lives. But what if I told you there’s a way to make meetings not just tolerable, but actually enjoyable and productive?
Stick with me, and I’ll show you how. We’re talking game-changing tips on communication, body language, emotional intelligence, and even how to sprinkle in some humor. Because, seriously, when was the last time you left a meeting thinking, “Wow, that was fun”? It’s possible. Trust me.
Oh, and of course, I’ll be sharing the story of how, once upon a time, I was the world’s least qualified manager. Spoiler alert—it was both embarrassing and educational. But hey, the best stories come out of the messy stuff, right?